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Focused on branding, opened to any kind of challenges. 
I like to view graphic design as a tool torethink, innovate, create, develope.
A creativity storm. A factory of social change. A key comunication nowadays.

I like to view my day by day as a constant source of inspiration.
These pics are an example of it.


Pics shoot by GS


Graphic Design
Art Direction  
Motion Graphics


Currently working as a Graphic Designer at Aranda Agency, focused on branding for ethical brands.
Also as a Motion Graphic’s collaborator at Gris Agency.

It may be that when reading the list, you see too many disciplines together in it. For me, they are still few.
My goal is to keep updating myself constantly. Keep growing as a professional. Have a broad vision to be able to face the challenges of the future in a socially responsible, innovative and creative way.

Take a look
at my

Graphic Desinger
focused on Branding

GS | Gina Soler


GS at Linkedin